Sydney Valentine Willow, (Red Turtle -Bee’ee’ Be’ enoo,) 33 years old of Ethete, Wyoming, passed on Sunday, February 9, 2025 in St. Stephen’s, Wyoming.
Sydney Valentine Willow, (Red Turtle -Bee’ee’ Be’ enoo,) 33 years old of Ethete, Wyoming, passed on Sunday, February 9, 2025 in St. Stephen’s, Wyoming. A vigil service with a rosary will be at 7:00 pm on Thursday, February 13, 2025, at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. A second vigil service with rosary will be 7:00 p.m., Friday, February 14, 2025 conducted by Sister Theresa at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. At 9:00 p.m., he will go home one last time to 760 White Hawk, Millcreek Village for a wake. The funeral service will be 12:00 Noon, Saturday, February 15, 2025 at Blue Sky Hall with burial at Yellowcalf Cemetery, a feast and giveaway will follow the burial at Blue Sky Hall.
Sydney, was born on January 16,1992 in Lander, Wyoming, to Emma Jean Armour-C’Bearing and Ron Loneman. However, he was raised by his Aunt-Mom Mavis Willow. He attended school at Wyoming Indian during his childhood. Sydney went to work on the Wind River Reservation for BIA Foresty and Wildland Management as a Wildland Firefighter, and he also was worked as a Helitac. He was also a cook for many years in local establishments.
Sydney grew up on the Wind River Reservation, he loved nature and the outdoors with being around his family and friends. He loved spending time with his family, spending time in the mountains, hunting, fishing, ice fishing, cooking and grilling outdoors, he also loved doing arts and crafts and loved working with horses. There was time in his brief life where he spent breaking horses and even once participated in Indian Relay Races, where he took first place in Umatilla Express in Tygh Valley Oregen. Sydney was a strong traditional Arapaho man. He had a strong belief in the Native American ceremonial ways. He will always be remembered for his willingness to lend a hand where he was needed.
Sydney was never married however he left behind his daughters, Taya and Zemyra Willow; and son, Tadeus LeClair.
He is survived by his friend, Melissa Redman and his children; mother, Mavis Willow; sisters, Kayla Armour, Sierra Lee, Philma Willow, Carrie Benson, Tricia Jorgenson, Joceyln White, Stephanie C’Hair, Maxine White, Dodie WhiteEagle, Bailee White, Roxanne Hines, Becky Armajo, Stacia Brown, Heather Willow, Mardell C’Bearing, Michelle Crispin, Lechell Spoonhunter, Alicia Armajo, Tweetie Norse, Sunshine Howell, Patricia Shakesphere, Chloe Goings, Leah Goings. Julie Goings; brothers, Quentin and Isaac Lee, Sonny and Zachary Jorgenson, Houston, Austin, Byron, Skye, Colley, and Rick Willow, Colten Armour, Thomas Armour, Robert Bravehawk, Redmoon Prior, Enroe Jealous of Him Jr., Ben Tabaha, Martin Goings, Jay Martinez, Martin Brown III, Mickey Spoonhunter, Leroy Brown, Doug Brown, Curtis Benson, Beaver C’Bearing, Glenn Pedro Jonn, Jonn Pedro, Abraham Pedro and the rest of Pedro family, and Martin Goings, Judson and Vince White, Terry Joel Wilson, Pat White, Steve White, Sr., and Hank White, Benito Loneman Sr., Kevin Loneman, Antonio and Gerald Valdez, Martin Armajo, David Pedro; Godparents, Joan and Wesley Willow; uncles, Nelson White, Sr., Alfred Willow, Marcus Willow, Thomas Willow, Verne Willow, Gerald Loneman, Arlieto Armajo; aunts, Alvina Willow, Alvera Willow, Kathy Vann, Rita Willow; special Mom-Arline Goodman, Becky Bishop, Sarah Running Shield, Hattie Willow, Charlene Gambler Brown, Vernita Shakespeare, Marcene Willow, Wanda Willow, Beverly Willow, Terry Willow, Gloria C’Bearing, Chippa Goggles, Kissie Quiver, Laverne White, Pinky (Kelly) Loneman, Gladys Chingman, Reva Hill, Cheetah Cara Moon, Eva Magnum, Denise Loneman, Groesbeck family, Ardena Spoonhunter; numerous nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by Bros, Pete Underwood, Brodie Potter, Garen Sankey II, Mike White, Bryron White, Iva and Willima Bates, Raymond McKing, Titus Morrison, Dalwayne Littlebear, Henry and Salina C’Bearing, Michael and Annie Willow, Dorsey Willow, Aloysius Willow, Philbert Willow, Merlin Willow, Crawford White, Lynn White, Dorthy and Charles Gambler, Lori and Lenora Willow, Emma Armour-C’Bearing, Michael J. Willow Sr., Pat C’Bearing, Valentine C’Bearing; grandparents, Josephine White, Annie Willow, Catherine Loneman; Arland and Dean Chingman, Frank Armajo, Bruce Loneman, Francis Goggles, and Cyndee Goggles.
Online condolences may be shared with the family at
Services are under the direction of Davis Funeral Home.