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Georgia C'Hair

C'Hair, Georgia

May her memory be eternal!

Fr Jim - 5/9/2024

You will be truly missed

Sending prayers and our condolences.  

Ernest Oldman & family - 5/10/2024

I will miss you sweet friend

Ronya - 5/10/2024

Brent, Cole, Kainen, Angel, and all your family,

I am so sorry for your loss, this pain will ease with time. We are thankful for her time here with us & know she is now with our creator & "grandpa Wayne" They will be  watching over you.

Sincere condolences, Heetce' noohoo be3en

Merlene {Boo oowu Hisei}

Merlene Hudson {school cook retired} - 5/13/2024