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Hayley Wells Storrud

Storrud, Hayley Wells

Our hearts are hurting as we learned about Hayley's passing. Such a beautiful, vibrant spirit is gone too soon. Know how much we love you, & grieve with you dear friends, Otto, Paula, Gina & Orion. 

Steve & Marylou Banks - 7/25/2024

Haileys beautiful energy was a gift to those she cared for at Sage. Stunned at her loss. My love to her family

Emily Clough - 7/26/2024

Hayley was truly a beautiful soul! She impacted my life in a profound way! I met her when I was 23 and we grew together from young adults onto older adults. She taught me so much along the way. She introduced me to Myspace and was my first friend on there. She taught me about love languages. Her love language was giving. She was the biggest giver I ever met! I always tried to bring a gift when I saw her because I knew she would give me one, if not two or three or four! Once I was mailing her something and I threw in a rock from my land and she loved it so much and would bring it up for weeks! She didn't need to be given big fancy gifts, even the smallest rock would bring her such joy. She was one of my bestest friends from the moment we met. I know she was a lot of people's best friend, because not many could know her and not feel like she was their best friend. She just had this way of making you feel loved and special. Her smile would light a room and her laughter was contagious. We talked a lot on the phone and we would laugh so much. I miss her so much, but am grateful for the time I got with her, as I am a better person just from knowing her. She will always hold a special place in my heart. I give my most sincere condolences to her family. 

Brianna St Clair - 7/26/2024

An exceptionally beautiful bright light left my planet but not the stars...I love you as a sister, a friend & your wisdom will always remind me to direct my attentions to the visions I see in nature's gifts.bc of knowing you. You are not gone you are in everything that is extraordinary

Michelle Julene - 8/4/2024