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Dorothy 'Duzie' Snell

Snell, Dorothy "Duzie"

John and family,

It is with sad hearts but yet joyful resurrection celebration that we mourn the loss of Duzie!  You are in our hearts and prayers that our Lord will surround you with his Everlasting Arms of Love and give you His Peace!  Much love, Nina and Mark

Nina & Mark Williams - 8/20/2024


What a lady! To maintain such a smile, such grace, in the face of such adversity, is a testament to her faith that one day, she would be able to be in Heaven and hear in person those choirs singing. We mourn the earthly loss with you, and we extend our deepest condolences on your loss here on earth.

The Matt Bennett Family

The Bennett Family - 8/20/2024

John and, so, sorry to see of Duzie's passing.  She was such a delight to be around and It was always such a joy working with her.   Enjoyed the phones calls and always the birthday greetings with you and her singing "Happy Birthday" to me.  May sweet Duz rest in peace and know her battle is won. Love to you  all. J     

Judy Hruby - 8/20/2024

You will always be in my heart and remember our crazy fun wild times. Love you my friend ❤️ 

Pamela kotzbacher - 8/21/2024

John and family,

My heart is sad but I know Duzie is celebrating with the Lord. I will miss our phone visits and her wonderful sense of humor. May God's peace be with all of you. 

Veronica Fearneyhough - 8/21/2024

John, so sorry for your loss.

John Rodgers - 8/23/2024

I am so sorry for your loss...Duzie was like a little sister to me when I lived with the family many years ago.    We had great conversations (she, Marcia and I) for many years.  That smile just never changed...she was a very strong gal dealing with M.S.  all of those years.  That smile never changed.   

Angie Chavez - 8/23/2024

My sympathies to the family for the loss of Duzie to her earthly life but she has joined her family members in heaven.  I grew up as a neighbor to Duzie while her father was Pastor of the church in Torrington.  We have many good memories of that time.

Angie Huckfeldt Macy - 8/23/2024

Our thoughts are with you my old friend. Our adventures together and Douzie's zest for life are with us always. Keyhole comes to mind. (A smile here!)

Love always. Bob and Joyce

Bob & Joyce Bradshaw - 8/24/2024

I want to express my sincere condolences for the passing of Duzie.  I knew Duzie when she was in Torrington as we were members of the Our Saviors Lutheran church where her father was the pastor.  Our families were intertwined when my sister lived with the Bornemann's while she went to school, so we had some good times when we were youngsters.  

Joel Splittgerber - 8/26/2024


Sorry to hear about Duzie's passing. I enjoyed working with her


Dave Zarko - 8/27/2024

Fond Fond memories of Duzie! Graduated together 

Chris Twitchell Bates - 8/27/2024

Steven (Steb) Johnson - 8/27/2024

Such a beautiful person!!  I loved the time we spent together while I was doing her hair!!  She has a Huge Place in my in peace Duzie, till we meet again 💕💕

Brenda Stringham..💕 - 8/30/2024

Dave & Debbie Phiilips - 8/30/2024

John and family,

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. We may not have spoken everyday or spent much time together the last few years but Duzie and I have been friends since 7th grade and our hearts will always be connected ❤️ Dave and I will miss her smile and laughter as we look back at all our memories together. Love always Dave, Deb, and family. 

Dave & Deb Phillips - 8/30/2024

Duzie was an adorable, wonderful woman and good friend.  I can picture her sipping a martini with our dear friend Archie McClintock.  Rest well, my thoughts are of you,  and with John.

Judy Pacheco 

Judy Pacheco - 8/31/2024

John and your entire extended family:

Duzie is the epitome of grace and humility.

Place, prayers and blessings to all.

Mark (and Marcia) Stuhlmiller 



Mark (and Marcia) Stuhlmiller - 9/3/2024